Musings on Freberg

I just posted one piece from Stan Freberg’s United States of America. Although this was written in 1962, it is amazing how it resonates today.

J: I’ve got this petition I’ve been circulating around the neighborhood. I kinda’ thought you would like to sign it or something. It’s called a Declaration of Independence.
F: Yeah, I heard about that. Sounds a little suspect if you ask me.

Yeah, the current administration might consider such a petition “suspect”. It advocates overthrowing a government when the leaders forget their responsibilities to the people.

F: I’ll tell you Tom, I’m with you in spirit. I’m sure you understand that, but I got to play it conservative. I’m a businessman.

So where is the business community when the rights of the people are threatened? Playing it safe. Conservative. Gotta protect that bottom line profit.

F: You better get them to sign it in the next couple of days, before they all take off for the Fourth of July weekend.

And of course, the people. Sheeps. We’re all against what the goverment is doing… unless it interferes with our weekend plans.

