Planning for Next Year

Well, June isn’t even over, and I’ve already ordered my calendars for next year. What have I ordered?

On Broadway! Theater Posters from the Library of Congress 2007 Wall Calendar. My “main calendar” at work.
Jewish Celebrations: Paintings by Malcah Zeldis 2007 Wall Calendar. This is our main calendar at home.
Red Cars, Yellow Cars 2007. Now published by Tide-Mark (as Cedco went belly-up), the classic calendar with picture from the museum. However, due to size differences, this will be my “next month” calendar at work. I’ll note that Tide-Mark appears to have picked up much of Cedco’s old train calendar catalog… but it’s unclear, as Charles Ditlefsen may be publishing them himself at MyCalendarDepot.

I should note that I’m old fashioned. No PDA for me. My calendars are up on the wall, with cut-up pieces of Post-It notes on the days to mark events. At work, I have two calendars: this month, and next month. At the beginning of the month, I move the Post-It notes from the “next” to the “current” month calendar.

It’s never too early to start planning. I know that at home I have events beyond the end of the calendar (the Jewish Celebrations calendar is Jewish-year based, and thus ends around September), and I know I’m already thinking about dates in Summer 2007.
