Friday Update

I know, I know, I haven’t written much about what’s going on with me. After all, I point people to this blog to keep folks up to date with my life… so I should report on it. So, here are a few updates:

  • I’d had a busy week at work. I’ve written previously about my commendation from the MILSATCOM Program Office. I’ve also been busy helping douse a number of fires caused by other problems, and trying to not have to fly to Florida next week. Monday, I’ll be at (ugh) USC, attending the workshop on costing secure systems held as part of the annual USC Research Review.
  • At home, we’ve had our share of craziness. ellipticcurve has been a regular as she works on her househunt. As I’ve said before, this delightful young lady has become a part of our family. However, buying the first house definately is crazy-making.
  • It also seems to induce house-buying fever in others. Well, actually, gf_guruilla had it before, and is trying to convince me to move to a larger house. I’ll probably end up doing it, but its slow to come around. After all, I know all the quirks of this house, the payment is reasonably low, I know the neighborhood, and I know what still has to be done on the house. I also know the moving hassles: ensuring services get transferred seamlessly (DSL, moving DirecTV), packing and unpacking (which I would be the one to do), remodeling at the new place, cleaning up the old to show it. Yes, this place is cluttered, but I’d rather get rid of the clutter before I move it! … and no, you can’t call in Clean Sweep on us.
  • Yet again I am convinced that exercise is bad for your health. I’ve been having the personal trainer come weekly for both of us (and it’s pretty grueling, as ellipticcurve will attest, having seen Kerri there yesterday). However, jogging for warm-up yesterday, my left foot twisted out from under me. My ankle doesn’t bother me, but the top of my foot is a bit sore. Grrrrr…
  • This weekend should be quiet. Hopefully, we’ll be cleaning the house, and perhaps seeing some friends. ellipticcurve will be out of town (so hopefully no house hunting craziness), but we’ll hopefully get a call that she’s an aunt.

That’s about it. Now to do a couple of interesting memes…
