I’m Glad to Be Home… But Am I?

We’re back home. I’ve been busy unpacking and putting stuff away since we arrived. I’m just about done. Whew, I’m tired.

So, what did I come home back to?

Well, first I discovered we had a small roof leak over the rains of the last days (enough to slightly stain the ceiling, not enough to drip). I’ve called in the patch guys, but they have reminded me we need to reroof (actually, add a 2nd layer on top of current 1 layer of asphalt shingles). So, we’ll have a couple hundred repair, followed by at least a $1K roofing job in the summer (homeowners out there: am I right that the minimum for any major repair seems to be about $1.5K?).

S&F has been cranky since she got home. She’s been obsessing about yet another teacher conflict that happened just before she left, where the teacher ran out of copies of the assignment, and told her to get it from a friend (not knowing she really doesn’t have that many friends in class). So she’s driving herself crazy about it. This has been a real bad year for her relationship with the teacher, but there’s not much the school can do, as there is no room in other classes. We can’t do anything until the school office reopens.

gf_guruilla came back with a “code in the node”. So she’s just been plopped down on the couch whilst I unpacked and dealt with everything. I’ve got a slight tickle, but I’ll just bluster through as I usually do. If you let a cold get to you, it is gone in a week. If you bluster through, it’s gone in 7 days, but at least you get something done!

I’ve still got to figure out how to fully integrate some of my dad’s stuff into my various collections. It will take a bit. In going through it, however, I’ve come to realize that I’m much more like my dad than I knew. gf_guruilla says that I got my mom’s brains and my dad’s temprement. Not that bad of a combination.

Have a good night, folks.
