December 2015 Updates to California Highways (The Website)


We’re at the end of another year. I had hoped to do more frequent updates, but this little thing called life got in the way. Perhaps I’ll find more time next year. But for now, let’s look at the last four months of updates:

Before we do… an aside: People may not realize the time this takes. This round of updates took a solid three 8+ hour days, the bulk involving incorporating the headline items into the site. I need to remember to do this monthly and not let them back up. I’m also quite pleased that I was able to find more information on AAroads, but it took time to double check. For next year, a plea: If you see a news article or blog post related to a numbered state highway, please send me the link. Comment on Facebook with it, comment on the post, or even just use good ol’ email.

With that, I’ll wish everyone who likes “California Highways (The Website)” [and even those who don’t] the happiest and healthiest of new years. I don’t believe in wishing people bad things; even people who are bad you can wish to get better. My all your travels on the roads of California (or whereever you live) be safe, and remember that distracted driving can be deadly driving. Be safe when you take that picture of the roads (better yet, let your passenger take it for you). Don’t play with your cell phone while driving, and focus on the road. The life you save may just be that of another lover of the roads.

Happy New Year – 2016

Keep reading for the details of the updates. In the legislative actions, I’ve attempted to highlight the really important parts of each bill (which, of course, WordPress strips out… so you’ll need to visit the real changes page).

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