September – December Changes to California Highways


It’s time for the final highway page update of 2014. I know they have been few and infrequent this year, but that’s how it goes sometimes. Let’s dig in:

Updates were made to the following highways, based on my reading of the papers (which are posted to the roadgeeking category at the “Observations Along The Road” and to the California Highways Facebook group) as well as any backed up email changes. I also reviewed the the AAroads forum, but as usual it contained no additional information beyond what I gleaned on my own. I’ve given up on misc.transport.road. This resulted in changes on the following routes, with credit as indicated [my research(1), contributions of information or leads (via direct mail) from Russ Berckmoes(2), Michael Carrillo(3), Patrick Chandler(4)]: I-5(1,2), Route 12(1), Route 17(1), Route 29(1), Route 33(3), Route I-80(1), Route 84(1), Route 85(1), US 101(1), Route 103(1), I-110(4), Route I-215(1), Route 258(1), I-280(1), I-580(1), I-710/Route 710(1), I-880(1). I also added information on the origin of the County Route Marker program brought to my attention by the folks handling AAroads over of Facebook, which also updated Lassen County Route A1.

Reviewed the Pending Legislation page, based on the new California Legislature site. As usual, I recommend to every Californian that they visit the legislative website regularly and see what their legis-critters are doing. Noted passage of the following items:

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