Technology_Death_Trifecta++ == 3

Just learned that Dennis Ritchie, one of the co-creators of both Unix and C, has died. Arguably, this is someone who had more influence than Steve Jobs; without his work, we wouldn’t have had all the Apple products (many of which are Unix based or written in C), or even the Microsoft products (which I recall are written in C as well).

That should make it three, coming after the death of Steve Jobs and Gene Schultz.


In Tribute

As the digital universe is now aware, Steve Jobs passed today. Although I’m not a Mac person, I do have memories of working on an Apple ][ during my years in the UCLA Computer Club, and using Xenix and the Lisa OS on some of the early Lisa machines at Quadratron, as well as an early Mac during my BLACKER days. A few years ago, I got an iPod, and it has been an extension of me ever since.

Thank you, Steve, for your gifts to our world. The technology, the creativity, the inspiration. You will be missed.


Spoiled Children

I think parenting these days has gotten extremely lack—at least parenting of politicos and corporate folk. I’m seeing more and more spoiled children behavior out there. Don’t believe me? Here are two examples:

    Congress. Yup. Spoiled children. The attitude seems to be “I’m going to get my way, or I’ll have a temper tantrum. You can’t make me eat my vegetables. You can’t. You can’t.” Look at Mitch McConnell. He blames Obama, who in reality has given in to most of what the Republicans want, with much more cutting of the economy than I’m sure he would like to do (knowing Obama, he’d probably like to stimulate the economy with government funds, not cut). But Obama is willing to cut. But because Obama won’t give McConnell everything he wants, Obama’s the bad guy. In fact, any parental figure who seems to say “no” to the Republican children (which, I will readily admit, are not all Republicans). I’m beginning to think we need to take Congress to the woodshed to teach them a lesson in how to cooperate.

  • Amazon. Amazon is mad at California trying to get Amazon to collect use tax. So Amazon, in their traditional temper tantrum, cut off their affiliates. They actually don’t care about the affiliates. Most won’t bother to update their sites to remove the affiliate links in case the matter gets resolved… thus Amazon gets the referrals and doesn’t have to pay the affiliates. But Amazon knows it will lose in court, and so now they are trying to get a referendum to kill the sales tax law. I’m sorry, Amazon, but you should pay the tax. It’s like drinking your milk and eating your vegetables. You sell and deliver tangible goods in the state. Demonstrate that you are a good corporate citizen instead of just being greedy for your profits.

P.S. Speaking of children, the creator of programs that many of us older folk loved as kids has died. Sherwood Schwartz, creator of those thoughtful social explorations about blended families or the behaviors of stranded castaways, is dead at 94.


Passing of a Pioneer

I’ve recently learned of the death of Bob Morris.

You’re probably going, “Bob who?”. You might know his son Robert Tappan Morris better—he created the first big Internet worm. But Bob is arguably more important. He’s one of the creators of Unix; he’s also a genius in the area of cryptography. I met Bob when he was working at NSA—he was a TRB member, and I often presented to him. I remember him chain-smoking away, asking the occasional insightful question.

We’re losing them one by one… the pioneers of the computer industry. It is the passing of a generation.


Finishing Out The Links

The remaining lunch-time links don’t form a unifyable theme, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth following:


Quote of the Day

From an announcement about the death of Jane Russell:

Russell’s provocative performance in ‘The Outlaw’ — and the studio publicity shots posing her in a low-cut blouse reclined on a stack of hay bales — marked a turning point in moviedom sexuality. She became a bona fide star and a favorite pinup girl of soldiers during World War II. Troops in Korea named two embattled hills in her honor. …


Go You Chicken Fat Go!

A piece of California history has died—someone who so embodied health that you thought he would live forever. I’m speaking of Jack LaLanne, dead at the age of 96. I remember Jack’s fitness shows, which I seem to recall were on Channel 9. From simple basic calesthenics and good eating, Jack taught that anyone could become and stay fit. If you go to a health club today and use exercise machines, you have Jack to thank. If you watch an exercise video, again, you have Jack to thank. If you like to drink whole fruit juices, that’s Jack again. He was a pioneer in the fitness field, and continued to do feats of strength until just before his death.

Jack, I’ll exercise tomorrow in your memory.


Other Deaths in the News

You may have noticed I’ve been obsessed of late with the death of Debbie Friedman, and I’m sure many of you don’t understand why. One remembrance by Rabbi Paul Kipnes put it in a way many will understand: she was the John Lennon of modern Jewish music—someone who changed the face of the genre significantly with her music. Do read her obituary (linked above); there’s a great tribute video here.

But Debbie’s death wasn’t the only one. Here are two more of interest:

  • Margaret Whiting. The daughter of the famous songwriter Richard Whiting, Margaret Whiting was a popular singer starting in the big band era. Here’s a tribute video. Here’s my favorite part of her obit:

    The singer was much-married. She wed producer Hubbel Robinson Jr. in 1948; pianist Lou Busch in 1951; John Richard Moore, a founder of Panavision, in 1958. Her most sensational marriage, however, came late in life when she met and married the much-younger, gay porn stay Jack Wrangler in 1994. The union proved her longest. Wrangler reportedly protested, “But I’m gay!,” to which Whiting reportedly replied, “Only around the edges, dear.” He went on to produce and direct many of her cabaret shows. They stayed together until his death in 2009.

  • David Nelson. Yup, that David Nelson, of Ozzie and Harriet fame (you yunguns out there will have no idea what I’m talking about). Those of us who grew up with Ozzie and Harriet will remember David and Ricky Nelson. David was the last survivor of that TV family. Here’s a link to a segment of Ozzie and Harriet with David and Ricky.