Reminder: Ren Faire This Weekend

I posted this earlier in the week, but got no local responses… so, I’ll try again…

This Saturday (4/29), ussens (i.e., Mr. and Mr. Hwyguy and NSS&F), together with ellipticcurve, will be going to the SoCal Ren Faire. We would love to meet up with other LJ folk, both those on our friends list, and friends of friends.

So: If you are going to be at Faire on Saturday (or have LJ friends that will be):

  1. Let them know about this post. We would love to meet new people.
  2. Let’s try to meet up near the washerwomen’s well at noon. I’ll be the one with brown pants, a white-ish shirt, and a brown hat. I won’t be wearing a red carnation. If that doesn’t work for you, let us know where, when, and how we can find you.
  3. If you’ll be there, give a shout out in a response to this post.

If you don’t have your tickets yet, I’d suggest buying your tickets online, as opposed to waiting in line at the ticket booths. It does appear there is a fee to do it online, however; there may also be discounts at the booth. Your choice.


Meeting Up at So Cal Ren Faire

This Saturday (4/29), ussens (i.e., Mr. and Mr. Hwyguy and NSS&F), together with ellipticcurve, will be going to the SoCal Ren Faire. We would love to meet up with other LJ folk, both those on our friends list, and friends of friends.

So: If you are going to be at Faire on Saturday (or have LJ friends that will be):

  1. Let them know about this post (six_gun_samurai, you should know some folks). We would love to meet new people.
  2. Let’s try to meet up near the washerwomen’s well at noon. I’ll be the one with brown pants, a white-ish shirt, and a brown hat. I won’t be wearing a red carnation.
  3. If you’ll be there, give a shout out in a response to this post.

If you don’t have your tickets yet, I’d suggest buying your tickets online, as opposed to waiting in line at the ticket booths. It does appear there is a fee to do it online, however; there may also be discounts at the booth. Your choice.

P.S.: For my reference: six-gun-samurai‘s post


SoCal RenFaire In The News

The San Gabriel Tribune writes up the opening day of the SoCal Ren Faire. Not the best writeup: it focussed more on the clothing and the reactions thereto than the faire itself: “The men in tights, ladies overflowing from their corsets, humorous insults, double entendre and the Queen’s English can come as a surprise to patrons. […] Elizabethan women displayed their bountiful bosoms so prominently. […] I think that the husbands might be focused on them more than the kids […] a commonly trumpeted theme is “go forth and misbehave.”

This really ties with something six_gun_samurai wrote about a recent television program on Faire, which seemed to emphasize the notion that “It’s a place to do what you want without worrying about the consequences.” Perhaps this is what the promoters want to convey. Although perhaps more fun visually, it surely will destroy what made Faire special.


Southern Faire News

The San Gabriel Valley Tribute has an article today on the return of Southern Ren Faire to the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area. Some interesting quotes from the article:

Rikki Kipple, artistic director for the Faire, said this year visitors will still find old favorites but will also see a few new attractions.

“There will be new shows, new vendors and craftspeople as well as some new characters,” Kipple said. “We also have a local group of Aztec dancers and Taiko drumming, which is a Japanese martial arts percussion.”

Also returning to the Faire this year are the Children’s Storytime Theatre, craftsmen demonstrations including glass blowing and metal sculpting, and School’s Day, which will host more than 10,000 local school kids.

Aztec dancers and Taiko drumming? At Ren Faire?


Next Year in Irwindale?

According to an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, officials with the Southern California Ren Faire said they plan to negotiate a long-term agreement to hold the annual festival at the dam because of its success and convenient location. According to Pete Leavell, chief executive officer of the Faire, “I think the Santa Fe Dam is a perfect place for the Renaissance Faire. The setting is idyllic.” The article notes the vendors and entertainers noted the upswing in attendance at the new location, even as there were folks upset about the lack of on-sight camping. Folks also liked the fact that the new site was less dusty.

Note: This entry was originally posted on Observations Along The Road (on as this entry by California Highway Guy. You may comment either here or there (where there are comment(s)).


Next Year in Irwindale?

According to an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, officials with the Southern California Ren Faire said they plan to negotiate a long-term agreement to hold the annual festival at the dam because of its success and convenient location. According to Pete Leavell, chief executive officer of the Faire, “I think the Santa Fe Dam is a perfect place for the Renaissance Faire. The setting is idyllic.” The article notes the vendors and entertainers noted the upswing in attendance at the new location, even as there were folks upset about the lack of on-sight camping. Folks also liked the fact that the new site was less dusty.
