A Busy Day For The Family (grrrrrr)

Today was a busy day, although for some reason I feel like I got nothing done.

For me, the day started with a headache, which some Excedrin knocked down. ellipticcurve joined us early in the morning, and we all went to a Pancake Breakfast to support S&F’s school. After that, I spent the day between doing laundry loads (including folding… I did about 7-8 loads), and playing around with Paint Shop Pro 9, which I just got. I redid a few of my userpics (you might have noticed), and played around with some of the new features.

Even busier were gf_guruilla and ellipticcurve, who spent the day working in the Sewing Room, continuing to declutter. We no longer need to call in Clean Sweep. Yeah, and thanks to ellipticcurve for all her hard work.

S&F has been in a pill mode (or I’ve been grumpy… between the headache, and my arm bothering me off and on), and luckily, ixixlix took her and the Karate Kid to the Huntington Museum during most of the day. S&F is home now, listening to My Fair Lady, and trying to keep putting off doing her homework.

Speaking of S&F… In going through her backpack today, we had a note from her school about how they are trying to update their computer lab (they are a technology magnet). To quote the letter: “If you or your company purchased Microsoft software (Windows, MS-DOS, Office, Excel, Word, Works Suite, Home Essential 97 or 98) between February 18, 1995 and December 15, 2001, you may be eligible to donate settlement money from a Microsoft Class Action suit. Anyone can donate up to $650 of their settlement vouchers to schools. Additional detailed information can be found at http://www.microsoftcalsettlement.com. If you need the name of S&F’s school, drop me email.

As for my arm: It’s been bothering me off and on. Supposedly, it will stop bothering me once the NSAID builds up to a suitable level. I’ve also had it suggested to me to explore a professional massage. Of course, I don’t know if that will help, or how to find one. All I know is right now it is bothering me, S&F is starting to fight back on going to bed, and I’m getting extremely grumpy. I think I’m going to go for a walk.


Decluttering is Good, Part 2

Headache report: Started with a minor one, but its gone now. Doing something actually useful does wonders. It was likely due to lack of sleep: I didn’t fall asleep until around 1:30 AM, and got up at 6:30 AM.

Today, we continued decluttering again. The living room and den look almost 200% better with the new arrangement. We got two more bookcases, plus at least two full boxes and some miscellaneous stuff out to the garage. Now, I just need to see if my sister-in-law wants my daughters old bunk bed and mattress before we donate them. Thanks to ixixlix and the Karate Kid for helping us today. I’d take “after” pictures to show you how much better things look, but you won’t have the “before” pictures to contrast. However, those who know us are welcome to call and come by and see the new look!

[Edit to add P.S.: Something I forgot to note yesterday. I bought a stud finder to put up a shelf for S&F yesterday. She picks it up, runs it over me, turns to me, and says, “Sorry, Dad. You’re not a stud.”]


Decluttering Is Good

First and foremost: No Headache Today! Yeah! I’m beginning to think work has something to do with the headache: either ergometrics or stress from the ebbs (or both).

Today was a day for decluttering. With the help of ellipticcurve (who has grown to be a real good friend of our family), we rearranged two rooms. It is hard to describe what we did if you haven’t seen our house, but suffice it to say our furniture is in a much better arrangements, at least 4 ft2 of stuff moved to the garage to be donated, plus a large chair, we’ve decluttered the display space, and arranged a batch of stuff to donate to S&F’s school. S&F also has a much better desk area to do homework at, at we have a nice area that can serve as a buffet when entertaining. S&F must be acknowledged as helpful: she worked quite a bit on arranging her desk area, quite nicely if I must say.

We still have to finish putting stuff away (tomorrow), and it is clear we need to do some painting (we’ll do some next week). We also need to do a good media wall: Does anyone have a good idea for storing 14 linear feet of vinyl record albums (to you youngsters out there: these are the 12″ black things that we had before CDs). I still have them as backups in case I need to reburn CDs, and I can’t store them in the garage due to the heat.

A good day.


Decluttering the Body and Mind.

Last night, I did something I haven’t done a while. I actually went out to the YMCA and worked out. I did 20 minutes on the bike, and 3 weight machines. Given that I haven’t gotten up there in what seems like forever, it felt good. I’ll try to do it again tonight, or at least take a walk and get moving again.

We’re also working on killing the clutter. gf_guruilla has finished decluttering her desk, and we’re working on finishing the den, so I can rearrange the furniture (anyone want to help move stuff around this weekend? Call or email me.) gf_guruilla will tackle the sewing room next.

We need to decultter the house. It will make us all feel better.
