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(Yes, they are Oak clue-by-fours)

According to CNN, instead of working on Healthcare, Iraq, National Security, or some other pressing issue, the US House of Representatives has passed legislation making the Oak Tree the national tree.

According to Rep. Bob “Boris” Goodlatte, R-Virginia, the Oak Tree is present in all 50 states and “represents the fundamental characteristics of this great nation: strength, endurance and beauty.” He noted it is also prized for furniture and flooring, just like our other national symbols, the Bald Eagle, the Rose, and the Flag.

Of course, this raises all sorts of questions:

  • Does this mean we can’t burn our dead oak furniture?
  • Does this mean it will soon be against the law to have oak hardwood flooring?

Perhaps they are selecting oak instead of the sequoia or the redwood, because if they selected those, they might actually have to protect our old-growth forests, instead of logging them. Nah. It is in honor of our President, because he is as dense as an … .
