The Morning Report

I just got back from morning services. As I shan’t go eat lunch, I figure I’d write up my recollections.

Attending services was just Small & Feisty and I; gf_guruilla was feeling sick (and still is feeling sick). S&F was good—she made it through the entire service, including the sermon, with only one water break. The service was the typical Yom Kippur morning service.

The sermon was interesting; I’m going to need to print out my previous blog entry for Rabbi Jim. He noted that on Rosh Hashanah, he had addressed Iraq and Israel. Today he was talking about separation of church and state, and how the retaining wall is crumbling. He started by saying the pledge, and the noting that he doesn’t like saying it (nor “that war song they sing at baseball games”) because it implies that the country has one god for the entire country. He talked about how it was important for moderate Jews, Christians, and Muslims to defend the separation of church and state. He noted how many on the religious right (of all faiths) are trying to impose their views of what God wants on larger society. He noted how politicians are often playing to this by using code words in their speechs, such as “divine laws of marriage”, “spritual unions”, and words from evangelical hymns.  It was a very good sermon.

That’s about it. We may go back to closing services around 5:00 PM because Small & Feisty wants to hear the final shofar blows.

For those that are fasting, may it continue to be easy.
