George Bush and Pork Rinds

Classic line in this article on CNN:

The owner of a local pork rinds company said he has been able to add 50 jobs since Bush took office.

Statistical correlation fluke, or telling statement? You decide.

In the same article, Bush is quoted as saying:

“Even though we didn’t find the stockpiles we expected to find, Saddam Hussein had the capability to make weapons of mass destruction, and he could have passed that on to the enemy”

If I read this correctly, this is saying we have the right to make war on a sovereign country just because they have the capability to do evil. With that logic, we should be attacking North Korea this instant. Or Russia. Perhaps we should be putting people in jail because they have the ability to commit crimes.

Alas, our laws (and Judeo-Christian laws, for that matter) state that one actually has to commit a crime in order to be judged guilty. Guess he didn’t read that part of the bible. He was too hung up on homosexuality.

It still doesn’t explain the pork rinds, tho…
