Lunchtime Observations and Updates

Ah, lunchtime. Time to review the electronic news and blog sphere for some pointed observations. But first… an update.

Yesterday was… so-so. The Valentine’s Day part was OK (and everyone should read the V-Day Shabot6000 (shabot6000)). I got some nice shirts, and gf_guruilla got a new watch and some goodies from Bath and Body Works. It was the rest of the day, however, that wasn’t the greatest. A few examples, which I won’t go into in detail, as I don’t believe in needless journal angst: my lower back was out; I had trouble waking up all day; I had an ink bottle leak on me; S&F melted down when we wouldn’t sign a blank permission slip; etc. However, today is going much better: I’m getting a lot more done and am a lot more focused.

On to the observations:

  • There’s a meme going around that asks “If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?” To me, this meme shows illustrates some common biases: it really only works for singles, and perhaps poly folks. For those of us who are monogamous, would we really respond to such a meme? Would we post it ourselves? Both unlikely. Give me some memes that tell me something about you.

    Update: Since everyone is asking, the stock response (unless, of course, it was gf_guruilla I woke up with) would be: WTF? Oh shit. How much did I have to drink? I’m in trouble now….

  • Microsoft has announced (slashdot coverage) that they will be coming out with an IE7. Reading this, an odd question popped into my head: Why can’t Microsoft just take the Firefox source and rebrand it as IE? After all, it is an open source project, and they don’t charge for IE? It seems to me that such an approach would be win-win for Microsoft, as they could get the added security, while not having to pay to have it developed. Developing it themselves must imply some ulterior motive (mwah-ha-ha… just imagine Bill Gates with a Snidely Whiplash moustache).
  • Did you know that improving the menus at schools is having expensive side effects? The Los Angeles Daily News is reporting that the LA Unifried School District is now stuck with 1,540 cases of cake and brownie mix, which is now a no-no under the district’s healthy food initiative to wipe out student obesity. I remember those brownies: I ate one every day in Jr. High School. In any case, LAUSD’s nutritional analysis showed that the brownies, sold in secondary school cafeterias, had too much sugar to meet the standard. Unfortunately, the district had just stockpiled enough mix to make 600 industrial-size Bundt pans of cake and brownies. Officials paid $6,055 for the mix and expect the district to take a hit on today’s sale.
  • For those following Broadway, Playbill is reporting that Ben Vereen will be taking over the Wizard’s role in Wicked.
  • CNN is reporting that John Kerry is still pushing his military proposals that he discussed during the election, noting “I think my security proposals for the country were smack on, dead on. I think that had they started to do the things I proposed on Iraq when I proposed them, we would be far better off today. And they are in fact now trying to do some of the things that I proposed.” Raise your hand folks: How many think Kerry will run again in 2008?
  • The Associated Press is reporting that the White House may make NSA the ‘traffic cop’ over U.S. computer networks. Although this may make a lot of folks paranoid, I do have to say that the non-spook side of NSA appears to have a lot of good smarts in this area. It will be interesting to see what develops here.

Well, lunch is about over, so back to work…
