TrustFlow results for cahwyguy

Following the lead of cellio and baugh217, I tried out TrustFlow II for LiveJournal*. The following people not on my friends list are close by, according to this program:

So, my question to you is: If you know these folks (either within or without the cut), and you think they might be good for me to look at, please give me a holler. If they are “friends-only”, let me know so I can comment to them to add me (or you can mention it to them and recommend me), as I can’t preview their journal to make a decision.

* Created by ciphergoth; hosted by LShift.
TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends list?: This is a program that assesses your “friends” list and their lists and so on and nominates people who are popular among your friends but not directly your friends. Their model is that friend = trusted party, and each person distributes “trust points” evenly among his friends, and after you run this a few levels out you start to get a picture. (Algorithm description.)
