NSS&F Plusses and Minuses

+ NSS&F brought home her report card. Two “A”s (Math and Intro Comp) and four “B”s (including PE), and all “E”s for Work Habits and Cooperation (except for one set of “S”s). Way to go!

– NSS&F abandoned her character in Neopets, before realizing that she would lose all the HTML she created for it. I downloaded a cache searcher, but they appear not to be in her Mozilla cache.

+ In NSS&F’s math class, tomorrow is π-day (after all, it is 3.14). So, NSS&F baked two cookies in the shape of “π”. Then, for good measure, she baked cookies in the shape of “a”, “r”, “=”, and “²”, allowing them to make “a=πr²“. This totally surprised her teacher.

– As I write this, NSS&F and gf_guruilla are off at the megillah reading. I came home from my meetings exhausted, and then I had to do the cache search. So, I’m missing seeing NSS&F party in costume.
