“What Were You Doing n Years Ago” and “Gwan, Ask” Memes

A meme snarfed from barelyproper, but modified a bit because I’m older and can go back further :-). In general, in a meme like this, I think you should go back as far as you can.

What Were You Doing Meme

In 1964 (40 years ago) I was…
1): 4 years old
2): Still living in Westchester on 90th St.
3): Attending Kindergarten at the Southern California Military Academy in Long Beach, because my dad was working nearby at Plan Hold (this may be 1965, looking back, in which case I was at the Temple Israel pre-school with Miss Sylvia)
4): Occasionally playing with by big brother and his friends across the street.
5): Active at Temple Israel of Westchester with Rabbi Mordechai Soloff

In 1974 (30 years ago) I was…
1): 14 years old
2): Living in Brentwood (Los Angeles, CA), up Kenter Canyon, attending Paul Revere Jr. High
3): Attending Camp Hess Kramer and Gindling Hilltop Camp
4): Active at Wilshire Blvd Temple in the Confirmation program
5): Just starting to get involved with computers

In 1984 (20 years ago) I was…
1): 24 years old and working on my MS degree at UCLA
2): Working at Quadratron developing office automation software including Qmail and Qmenu
3): Working for my parents doing the billing for their accounting office
4): Just getting involved with gf_guruilla
5): Living in West Los Angeles, near Barrington and San Vicente
6): Moving my Synagogue affiliation from Wilshire Blvd Temple to Temple Emet of Woodland Hills.

In 1994 (10 years ago) I was…
1): Working for Aerospace (my current employer) for 5 years
2): About to become a daddy for the first time
3): Active in the ACSAC conference and the ACM
4): A member of Kol Tikvah, the successor congregation to Temple Emet
5): Really busy being team leader of the Data General DG/UX Evaluation
6): Living in the San Fernando Valley (we moved out in 1986)

In 1999 (5 years ago) I was…
1): Daddy of a 5 year old, who had undergone open heart surgery the year before.
2): Still active in the ACSAC conference and the ACM
3): Just starting to get active at Temple Beth Torah
4): Doing all the webstuff I do now: the highway pages, the FAQ, the mailing list
5): Getting ready for my daughter to start Kindergarten
6): Still at Aerospace, starting to get involved with the Common Criteria

In 2002 (2 years ago) I was…
1): Still in the same house, same job, same family, same websites 🙂 as 1994. I don’t like change.
2): In my 2nd year as conference chair for ACSAC
3): More active at TBT, getting to know Rabbi Nosan-Blank, doing the newsletter and publicity
4): Getting ready for a driving vacation, exploring Gold Country (if you must know, I-5, CA 99, CA 49, CA 88, US 50, and much of the gold country between Fresno and Sacramento).
5): Doing periodic “road-geek” trips and trips out to OERM.

In 2003 (last year) I was…
1): Same house, same job, same family, same websites as 1994.
2): At home with a broken foot in the midst of a kitchen remodel
3): More active at TBT, serving as Religious Practices chair, newsletter, webmaven, computer support
4): Doing less CC work at Aerospace, and more AF support
5): In my 4th year of Indian Princesses with my daughter

Today I am…
1): Same house, same job, same family, but with some new friends (such as ellipticcurve
2): Back into Boardgaming
3): Getting ready to go on vacation to visit family in St. Louis I haven’t seen since 1987!
4): Watching my daughter as she has discovered the joy of Camp Hess Kramer for the first time
5): Changing congregations yet again, this time to Temple Beth Hillel, transitioning away all TBT responsibilities and not taking on any TBH volunteering for at least a year
6): In my last (4th) year as conference chair for ACSAC, and my 14th year as Tutorial Chair for ACSAC.

Tomorrow I will…
1): Go play games at Southern California Games Day
2): Enjoy a delightful pre-show dinner with my wife (my daughter will be at ixixlix‘s with the Karate Kid)
3): Go see 110 In The Shade at the Pasadena Playhouse
4): Enjoy spending an evening with my wife with Small and Feisty not around
5): Have fun!

G’wan Ask… Meme

Snarfed from khaosworks. I find this better than the “What would you do in a room alone with me” meme circulating, which tends to break down once you are married and/or have co-workers reading your journal.

“This is the problem with LJ, we all think we are so close, and we know nothing about each other. I’m going to fix it. I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don’t know about you.”
