It’s Too Quiet

It’s amazing how used to having a little one around one gets. This weekend has felt too quiet and too calm. There have been times I haven’t been able to figure out what to do next.

The day started out well: gf_guruilla and I, together with our neighbor, did a brisk mall walk. Felt good, and I came home energized. Next, whilst my wife worked on dejunking her desk, I exhibited my usual “Type A” personality: I washed my car (which hadn’t been done for about 8 months) and finished some decluttering and cleaning of Small & Feisty’s room.

Then a headache hit me. I’ve been able to do a few little things with the headache: update the Temple’s webpage and prep the temple’s newsletter for the mini-August issue. Mostly, though, my energy has been sapped.

The headache is finally starting to damp down now. My wife is off at the hospital taking care of a sick friend (the saga of what she’s been through with that friend since Pesach is a story in itself; maybe she’ll tell it someday—all I know is that my wife is someone I want around me in a time of crisis). I’m going to go make some dinner, finish the laundry and collapse.

We’re now over the hump with Small & Feisty and camp. She’s coming home on Wednesday, and I expect to hear lots of stories about the fun that she had. She’ll have a busy week after she gets back: We have the Indian Princess End of Year party on Friday, and Sunday we’ll be having a day of swimming, friends, and gaming at a friend’s house.
