Domestic Saturday

We’ve taken advantage of the absence of the forces of entropy (FoE, a/k/a Small & Feisty) to do some cleaning up today. We’ve straightened out FoE’s closets, done laundry, and (in general) done some household stuff that needed to be done. I also spent some time this morning updating the SCJ FAQ; I’ll upload it tomorrow. However, the updates won’t be reflected in the email retriever or the newsgroups yet—I’m still working out some problems related to the transition of the site off of Pacificnet to (Westhost). I’ll play with that tomorrow morning.

Tonight, we’re going to do another thing that’s difficult with S&F around: go out for dinner and a movie, without having to worry about arranging for a sitter. We’re seeing a movie we couldn’t see with her: Fahrenheit 9/11.

The mail should be here shortly; hopefully we’ll have a letter from the Forces of Entropy. We were able to find a picture of her on the Camp’s Website (in the private bunknotes section), but (alas) it shows her walking away from the camera towards the climbing wall (so we don’t know if she’s happy).
