Humpday News Chum

Ah, Humpday. The day to share some links with you over lunch… if the DDOS permits.

  • Japan and Burly Q. Monday, when I had my bad headache, I happened to catch the film “Behind the Burly Q” on Sho!. The film explored the life of Burlesque strippers, and how it wasn’t really a sexual thing. One of the thing the film mentioned was how many strippers came from abusive households. This struck home when I saw an article in the NYTimes on a city’s last Geisha, who survived her 4th tsunami. The article noted why she got into the business: “The truth, whispered for decades inside the family home, was darker, said Satoshi Ito, Ms. Ito’s nephew. Ms. Ito’s father ran a small-time construction business and, her nephew said, had ties with Japan’s gangsters, the yakuza.”. The parallels between the two just struck me as interesting.
  • Band Names. The Chicago Tribune has an interesting piece on how hard it is to come up with a good band name. You think it would be easy, but just as there are so many good names, there are so many bad bands that have already chosen them.
  • Typefaces. The NY Times has a nice piece on the NY Subway system… and how it chose the Helvetica font. We never think about how fonts become associated with things… but then again, we all know Comic Sans looks unprofessional (as does Rounded Arial), that Times New Roman looks like IRS documents, and that particular fonts scream LA Metro, Apple, or LaTeX.
  • Where Do The Elephants Go? Terminal 6 at LAX is going to be renovated by Alaska Airlines, and they’ll be moving out of Terminals 2 and 3. Not only will then end up with a refurbished terminal, but easier access to Delta, their partner. What is unsaid in the article is what happens to the current major tenant in Terminal 6 (we don’t care about the minor ones—they’ll go to Terminals 2 or 3)… that is, what happens to the United and Continental gates in that terminal. Terminal 6 has long been the United overflow/international terminal, and with the Continental merger, they could easily use the Continental gates. There’s no good place for UA/CO to move.
  • Give your drugs to a stranger. Saturday, April 30 is the 2nd National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day… that is, a day to turn in expired and unneeded drugs. If you visit this DEA link, you can find the turn in center near you.