A Birthday Song for kaottic97

OK, Folks, you know the drill. Allright everyone, let’s gather in front of our large, 13″, Black and White TV set, and watch as a tall, lanky man in a khaki uniform, with a black patch over one eye and a parrot on his shoulder, strides out, introduces himself as Sheriff John, and pulls out his accordion, and says: “Aye, Me Harties. Let’s join togetherrrrrrr in the following shanty for kaottic97, sung to the pirate classic “Blow the Man Down”, with lyrics by Heather Alexander.”

You say it’s your birthday, well, tell me who cares.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.
We’ll tie up your feet, make you walk down the stairs.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.

A cake with the candles all over the place.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.
When you make a wish, they blow up in your face.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.

Yo-ho, Yo-ho, Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.

      You’ll get lots of presents, tied up in a sack.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.
And when you unwrap them, we’ll take them all back.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.

But we love you; so don’t get us wrong.
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.
Just wanted to tease you with this nasty song
Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.

Yo-ho, Yo-ho, Yo-ho, so it’s your birthday.

[Did you know you can pick which song the Sheriff sings for you on your birthday? It’s easy. Just visit the 6th Annual Birthday Poll on Livejournal or the parallel note on Facebook. Note that if you want the birdie to be able to inform the Sheriff about your birthday, you need to make sure your birth month and day is in your LJ or FB profile, and it is visible to your friends. Note that the Sheriff only sings a song if I know you personally or you’re a regular commenter. So don’t lurk!]
