Starting off the Year

Well, my intentions today were to spend the day with my wife at the mall (as my daughter was going there anyway to see a movie), going to see a movie with my wife, and then coming home and writing a review. Well, we did get to the mall (with nagging from NSS&F that we didn’t get there quickly enough). We did a little shopping, and ran into a long-time friend, who joined us for lunch. We saw the movie (“It’s Complicated, which was quite good), but as we were watching the credits we received a phone call that we needed to exit the theatre ASAP and take the boyfriend home now. When the credits ended, we left and took the boyfriend home (he was five minutes late). However, something during the day triggered a headache (sigh), and the massive headache medicine made it worse for a while, and has left me a bit out of it.

The upshot is: all you get is this ‘lil ‘ol status report. You’ll get a more detailed review of “It’s Complicated” tomorrow.
