A Restful Shabbat, Ascending and Descending

Today’s reports on our goings on is being written initially by gf_guruilla, after which I’ll add any additional comments. gf_guruilla writes:

Started today rudely rousted out of bed by the cahwyguy… Can’t I sleep in at all on this vacation? Oh, well, it was for a good cause…We left the hotel early and headed into Roseville for a Brunch’n’Learn and Learner’s Minyan at Or Rishon, which was, as R. Sheryl‘s classes and services usually go, wonderful. NSS&F made a new friend, and so did I – the mother of another celiac child who was starved for accurate information. I got her e-mail, and will send her a bunch of stuff when we get home. The kiddush after services was heavy enough to serve as lunch, so after leaving shul, we trooped down to Sacramento to the Crocker Museum to see the MC Escher exhibit. Some of my favorite pieces were missing, but there were others there that I had never seen before, so all in all, it was well worth it. Also got to see an astounding pottery exhibit from a local potter, as well as the rest of the museum’s limited collections on display. Came beck to the hotel for a lovely Shabbos afternoon nap, and then we all went out to a lovely Greek dinner at a place I found in the phone book (better than a lot of the so-called Greek you can get in Los Angeles)…

Actually, that’s just about the day. We had a lovely time visiting with Rabbi Sheryl. Seeing her services reminded her of what we are missing in Los Angeles. TBH is great, but different. We look forward to seeing her again.

Tomorrow, we’ll be gaming with klellingson and crew at his house at 1:00 pm [if you are interested and know him, please contact him]. My wife might go shopping, either alone or with LJ folks, if anyone is interested. We’re likely going to hunt down brunch somewhere, probably around 10:30a; if you would like to join us, or have suggestions on good local breakfast places, please drop a note here.

Monday, we’ll be doing brunch with barelyproper at The Farmers Kitchen in Davis (see this entry) at 10:00am, followed by spending the day with ellipticcurve‘s Worlds-Cutest-NephewTM, and his family.

Tuesday, we return to San Jose, possibly stopping at the Western Railway Museum on the way back.

We’ve had such good luck with the folks we’ve met on this trip, we do hope we can meet some more friends-list friends in the upcoming days.
