So What *DID* I Do Today?

I wrote earlier today that my attempt to go out to Monrovia to get some fountain pens fixed was thwarted. This was too bad, because I really need to get them fixed before they reproduce. Remember: You need to spay or neuter your fountain pens today! Otherwise, you’ll end up with a collection!

First, I futzed around on LiveJournal for a bit. Thanks to cafemusique, I’ve discovered that if you visit, you get your “friends of friends” list. So, I spent some time there for a bit.

I then spent some time doing the January updates to the highway pages. Those will be summarized in a posting to roadgeeks. It was a quiet afternoon: just me and gf_guruilla, as S&F was over at ixixlix‘s playing with the Karate Kid. The late evening was spent going over some records I brought back from my dad’s house, and writing some letters. I had fun being old fashioned, and actually writing them with pen and paper!

So, all in all, the day didn’t turn to too bad after all.
