Phones and Politics

The Smothers Brothers used to have a routine where they discussed the relationship between clothes and politics. The everyday people without big salaries couldn’t afford to purchase a lot of clothes, and thus might be called the “less-on”s. I’ll leave it to you to come up with the name for the people with more money running the country…. (hmm, is this an example of what I talked about in my previous post?)

I mention this because of an interesting survey from Capitol Weekly: “A new study by Tulchin Research, a polling and strategic consulting firm, has recently shown that the majority of Californians carrying iPhones support Jerry Brown in the race for governor while those pecking away on Blackberries are more likely to support Meg Whitman.”

Hmmm, I’m using an LG non-smart phone. What does that say about me?


Hating in America

I was going to write a lunchtime post about fat acceptance in America, but quickly realized that is just one form of acceptable hatred in America today. As much as we proclaim our love for liberty and equality, we sure love to hate the other guy in this country. Here are some examples.

Hating the Immigrant. Today the news is filled with reports on the protests on Arizona’s Immigration Law. Yet America seems to love to hate the immigrant. Take a look at this CNN poll. Much as there is a belief that the “melting pot” strengthened the country in the past, today’s immigrants are viewed much less charitably. Yet, were you to go back to the turn of the 20th century, you would probably be reading similar words about the Irish or the Chinese. As much as we say they should take the legal route and become citizens, we’ve made that much much harder than it was. We all seem to forget: almost everyone in this country was, at one time, an immigrant.

Hating the Wealthy. It seems to be perfectly acceptable to hate the wealthy in this country. Read the comments about the Clinton Wedding, and the fact they are spending $3 million (of their own money) on it. People seem to complain when the rich spend money—that they have earned—on all sorts of luxuries and staff, while forget that the spending pumps money back into the economy in terms both of jobs and taxes. So why is there this class warfare—why the hate?

Hating the Fat. Yesterday, I wrote about how large size bloggers are creating events to get more fashionable clothes. I ran into another article today in a similar vein: about how larger women want modern fashion, but Plus-Size stores tend not to stock it. This captures the general notion that is going around that large size individuals shouldn’t look good and fashionable; they should be penalized for their size. This is yet another form of hatred. You’ll even see the battle in the media: the LA Times is asking whether America is ready for a sitcom featuring plus-size leads, where their size isn’t the focus.

Hatred. No matter how we battle it, it is still around. Be it color, status, shape, size, orientation, ability: we need to see people as people and not labels.


A Birthday Song for ailurodragon

OK, Folks, you know the drill. Allright everyone, let’s gather in front of our large, 13″, Black and White TV set, and watch as a tall, lanky man in a khaki uniform strides out, introduces himself as Sheriff John, strums his guitar, and says: “This is for ailurodragon“:

This is your birthday song, it isn’t very long

[Did you know you can pick which song the Sheriff sings for you on your birthday? It’s easy. Just visit the 6th Annual Birthday Poll on Livejournal or the parallel note on Facebook. Note that if you want the birdie to be able to inform the Sheriff about your birthday, you need to make sure your birth month and day is in your LJ or FB profile, and it is visible to your friends. Note that the Sheriff only sings a song if I know you personally or you’re a regular commenter. So don’t lurk!]
