Saturday Stew: Security and Brains, Broadway and Water

Observation StewIt’s Saturday. Pesach is over (well, if you observe 7 days it is over). Time for a nice hearty bowl of news chum stew:

Finally, a memory. There have been a number of significant deaths this week — probably the most notable is Stan Freberg, who I mentioned in a previous post. One other sparked a memory: Bill Griffiths, owner of Los Angeles Roller Derby in the 1960s and 1970s. I remember this era well — my grandmother loved to watch Roller Derby, and we even went down to the Olympic Auditorium once to see a match. So when I read of his passing, I thought of my grandmother Hortense. Good memory.


2 Replies to “Saturday Stew: Security and Brains, Broadway and Water”

    1. I also shared the link on self-producing over on the pro99 group over on Facebook. Although I’m just an audience member, I’m very active in the pro99 movement out here in Los Angeles (I’m sure you’ve read how AEA is trying to destroy the intimate theatre incubation ground here in Los Angeles).

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