College Planning

As you are likely well aware, I’ve spent the last two weeks with my daughter looking at colleges. Recently, I’ve found a few lists of interest to those of us doing this search:

  • Most Expensive Colleges. USA Today alerted me to this one. The US Government has set up an excellent website that ranks colleges based on their tuition, or even better, their net cost (attendance costs less typical financial rewards). You can search based on the type of college. The most expensive state schools? UT San Antonio Health Center and the University of Guam. For private 4-year schools, Art Center College of Design and The New School. I’m pleased to see that none of the schools Erin is considering is on the list. It is sad to see California universities on the list of schools with the fastest rising tuitions, especially with today’s news.
  • Best Liberal Arts Schools. The College Planning Advisors blog alerted me to this list: the Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the US. Here I was pleased to see the high rankings of the Claremont Colleges, although some also showed up on the previously-mentioned most expensive list. Note that some of the universities we visited, such as Wash U. and Tulane, don’t show up on the US News list because they are not expressly liberal arts colleges.
