Figuring Out The Program

As I’ve mentioned previously, we’re moving to a creative approach for Confirmation for my daughter: a combination of adult education/discussion activities and different services. It’s starting to shape up nicely. The first event we went to was The Diary of Anne Frank” at REP East. I always knew May was going to be a talk by Dr. Deborah Lipstadt on the Adolf Eichmann Trial, but I couldn’t come up with April. The answer came in today’s mail. Theatre 40 in West LA is presenting Simon Wisenthal: Nazi Hunter, a one-man show about the man starring Tom Dugan, who portrays the aging concentration camp survivor as he recounts his life’s work of pursuing Nazi War criminals Adolf Eichmann, Franz Stangl, Dr. Josef Mengele and Karl Silberbauer the SS officer who imprisoned the famous Anne Frank. A perfect tie between the two programs… and it is on multiple dates in April so we should be able to work it into Erin’s schedule.

As for services, our first will be a different style of Reform services: I’m thinking of going to Beth Shir Shalom in Santa Monica to see my former camp counselor, Rabbi Neil Daniels, as they do a Shabbat in Dance. This should be a bit different from the style of Reform Erin is used to. I also hope to visit Chabad, Hillel, Conservative, Modern Orthodox, and Reconstructionist over the next few months, as well as more Reform, aiming to show the colorful spectrum across Judaism.
