Why There Is No Meeting of Minds Review

By now, you’re probably noticing there is no Meeting of Minds review. That’s because we never made it to the show. We were at Valley Presbyterian Hospital, in the ER, instead.

Let me explain. Saturday evening, I started feeling funny. I attributed it to a migraine, and took a T3 and a Maxalt as I went to bed. I was fine Sunday morning, but around lunch time I had this odd ache between my collarbones. As it continued, and Karen thought I looked odd, we went to the ER at Valley Pres. Chest pains are treated seriously, and soon it was clear we wouldn’t make the 7:00pm show. It began to look less like a heart attack, and more like hypertension, as the lower number in my blood pressure was extremely high. I was admitted overnight for observation. Later today they did a stress test and an ultrasound, and my heart is fine. However, my blood pressure is still far too high. So it is off to a diet and exercise and doing what I can to lower it. For those of you that see me locally, I’m depending on you to call me on it when you see me doing something stupid.

Right now, I’m tired and have a headache (probably from lack of sleep Saturday night, when I had bad indigestion, and last night in the hospital). I’m working from home tomorrow, and will hopefully be back to a normal life, with a new diet, on Wednesday (well, I start the diet tonight).

P.S.: This is not the way I wanted to get caught up on podcasts.
