A Former Mentor Goes Far

Today a co-worker forwarded me a press release from the Department of Health and Human Services. It appears that a former co-worker and mentor, Dr. Dixie Baker has been appointed to the Health Information Technology (HIT) Standards Committee. This is a federal advisory body charged with making recommendations to the National Coordinator on standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for the electronic exchange and use of health information.

Dixie hired me back in 1988 for Circle A Ranch when I was looking to leave SDC. She was running a computer security group there, and we were doing security for both the USAF and the Trusted Product Evaluation Program. She’s also the one responsible for getting me involved with the tutorial program at ACSAC. where I took over her position as Tutorial Chair in 1990. In the mid-1990s Dixie left and went to SAIC. She presented a paper on the computer security concerns of healthcare back at ACSAC in 1997, and was our Distinguished Practitioner in 2006.

It’s always nice when someone you view as a mentor does well, and is making contributions in such an important area.
