Those Scurvy Dogs… and Bears

Scurvy Dogs be everythere these days, mates. I ’twas looking at the paper in me parrot’s cage, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and I saw an article about how some scalliwags are trying to rename the University of Missouri-Columbia to simply “the University of Missouri”. Those salty dogs should be made ‘t walk the plank, for they seem to forget there are other University of Missouri campuses, such as UMKC (Kansas City), UMSL (St. Louis), and MUST (nee UMR (Rolla)). Mates, that would be like the University of California at Berkeley renaming themselves as simply “the University of California”. Me mates at the twig, ooops, University of California, Southern Branch, oops, UCLA, would be rightly pissed about that. So would me mates at Davis, Santa Barbara, and all t’ other ports of call. Now, we all know that Berkeley has no intention of renaming, ummm, don’t we.

What’s that mate? They call themselves “Cal“? I say a raid for booty is called for!
