The Future of Terry Schiavo

[Today is already starting out crazy… numerous phone calls even before my tea is made, let alone cool. However, I did want to get out this idea that hit in the shower this morning. Please note that no offense to Catholics who might be reading this is intended.]

This morning, while taking my shower, a thought occured to me, as they often do in the shower. Consider:

  1. Terr Schiavo and her family are Catholic.
  2. There is the possibility that she will die on Good Friday or on Easter.
  3. She has been held up as a martyr for her cause.

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and predict that after she dies, people will begin claiming miraculous recoveries as a result of praying to her. Some of the more fervent might see visions of her rising. At some future point, she might be started down the path of sainthood.

I know, an odd notion. But then again…
