It’s Going To Be an Interesting Few Days

A little bit later today, we’re going to be heading down to my stepmother’s for a few days. This will be the main time we’ll be spending sorting through my dad’s stuff (that’s the polite term for much of it–he was a packrat): going through the office, going through his clothes, etc. We’ll be deciding what to keep, what goes where, and so on. It should be an (ummm) interesting time, and I have no idea what I will find, other than lots and lots of memories, and probably some skeletons he never revealed to me.

It’s also going to be interesting in another way. When my dad married my stepmother, she was Jewish. At some point (I forget exactly when) she had a dream and became Christian. Now, that’s doesn’t bother me: she’s an adult, not having more kids, and is entitled to her beliefs. Why am I mentioning this? Being down there the next few days I’m going to get to experience a “Christmas Dinner”, which will be something I haven’t been to in years! We’re still going to do our holiday tradition, which is to go to a movie on Christmas morning, when everyone else is otherwise occupied.

This morning, however… I’ve got a bad sinus headache, my daughter is melting down about clothing, the house has gone from “neat” to “mess” in two days. I’ll see what I can get done before we head out around lunchtime.
