
Today, the long election season hopefully comes to an end, modulo voting challenges. I’ve indicated who I’m voting for, but unlike a lot of other folks, I haven’t voted yet. I normally get to work before polls open, and thus have to vote after work. Hopefully, the lines won’t be too long.

This has been a long election season. Enduring it has been hard. Even in California, where we’re weren’t subjected to intense Presidential politicing (only fundraising), it gets tiring. You want the election to be over, and for your guy to win. Its tiring.

And I’m just plain tired. Not sleepy, but worn out. I’ve been doing so much for so long I think it is finally catching up with me, and my spirit is waning. I’m working on fixing the problem, but I haven’t fixed it yet.

In particular, I just want my dad to be well again. I want to be able to call and talk to him on the phone. I’m tired of calling the hospital twice a day, and getting approximately the same reports. I’m tired of seeing him there (literally or figuratively), unable to do anything, knowing that he wants to fight back, to communicate, but he can’t. Yet, in my gut, I know we’re doing the right thing, because this is a recoverable thing: it’s not a long term non-recoverable chronic condition. Yet its still hard.

That’s not the only endurance thing I’m thinking about. The tutorial deliveries for ACSAC are starting to come in. This will mark my 14th year of doing tutorials, and my 4th and last year as conference chair. That’s also tiring. I’m looking forward to December, after the conference is over.

Endurance. Its something we all need, sometimes more than others.

May we all get some sleep tonight, and discover a new and better world tomorrow.
