20 Things That Start With “D”

[Because I can’t think of anything else to post.]

Rules: It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag some people (or not, this shouldn’t be a viral thing).

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.

  1. What is your name: Daniel
  2. A four Letter word: Dime
  3. A boy’s name: David
  4. A girl’s name: Darleen
  5. An occupation: Druggist
  6. A color: Dodger Blue
  7. Something you wear: Dockers
  8. A food: Dolmas
  9. Something found in the bathroom: Drano
  10. A place: Dakkar
  11. A reason for being late: ‘Da 405
  12. Something you shout: Damn!
  13. A movie title: Dragnet
  14. Something you drink: Darjeeling Tea
  15. A musical group: Doors
  16. An animal: Dog
  17. A street name: Darlington Ave
  18. A type of car: Duesenberg
  19. The title of a song: Don’t Do Da Dope
  20. A Musical or Play: Damn Yankees

(meme) Ask Me No Questions #4

How far have you ever strayed from Judaism, and how did you make your way back?

Truthfully, I’ve never strayed, in the sense of becoming Christian or practicing something not Jewish. I have had periods of more practice vs. less practice, and more spirituality vs. less sprituality, but that’s part of the normal ebb and flow of Judaism.

For example, when I was Religious Practices Chair, I attended more holiday events. That didn’t make me more spiritual; the only time I’ve really had the spiritual connection is services up at camp, under the stars, out in nature. I find it hard to be in a spiritual synagogue that is the product of the hand of man; one can be spiritual in a syngogue that was constructed by God and cannot be duplicated by man.

Got a question for me? Any question you want to ask, you can ask here.


(Meme) Ask Me No Questions… #3

Q: You seem to love your wife very dearly, but I am curious: Do you ever wish you were single? Why or why not?

No, at least not in the sense of being alone. I think it is something common to the men in my family (certainly my dad) that we prefer to have people around us. This was brought home to me this week, when my wife was down in Orange County, and I was left in the house alone. Much as I profess to be a nerd who just wants to surf the internet… I missed having her around. Even if the interaction is both of us sitting in the same room working on our computers, we’re still together. After almost 20 years, I think that need is there. In fact, I can’t even remember what it was like living alone…. in fact, I’m not sure I ever did. I moved from my parent’s house to living with a roommate (an Astronomy Graduate Student, which is close to living alone :-)) and hanging around the UCLA Computer Club, to being married.

So, no, I don’t wish I was single.

Got a question? Ask it here.


(Meme) Ask Me No Questions… #2

Q: Does current reality differ much from what you wanted to be when you were ten? If so, how?

Ten, you say. I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I was ten. How about twelve?

When I was twelve (i.e., right after we moved to West Los Angeles), I really wanted to be a veterinarian. This lasted me through 10th grade, when I started to get involved with computers, thanks to Larry Shoenberg (son of the composer, who was a math teacher at Palisades High School) [Larry’s Website: Belmont Music Publishers]. So, in terms of profession, I’d say the reality is very different.

As for other reality: I don’t think I thought about it much when I was a kid. At 10, do we think about being married and having kids? Well, at least do guys think about it :-)?

Got a question? Ask it here.


(Meme) Ask Me No Questions… #1

Q: Aside from your wedding day, what is your proudest happiest moment?

I would split proudest and happiest, and I think they are two different things.

Happiest, besides my wedding day, would have to be the birth of my daughter. Although she’s been a handful, she has brought changes to my life and to me that are wonderful.

Proudest is a lot harder. I think pride comes from being recognized that what you do has value and makes a significant contribution to people’s lives. It is really hard to think of a single incident. There are a few very proud moments, however. First would be when I was selected for a stint as conference chair for ACSAC. This was (to me) recognition by my peers of what I do. There are similar incidents back in the days of evaluations. Second would be the High Holy Days I orchestrated when I was Religious Practices Chair at TBT. That was a big event, and seeing it come off very smoothly made me feel very good. However, recalling that makes me think of something else I am very proud of: the tot shabbat program that I ran with Rosalyn Berg at TBT. We did a wonderful job of teaching children Judaism, which made a difference for a lifetime.

Do you have a question you’ve always wanted to ask me? If so, click here.
